

Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological process by which an organism uses food to support its life.
Nutrition is about eating a healthy and balanced diet. Food and drink provide the energy and nutrients you need to be healthy. Nutrition is different for different age groups.

Nutrition for a Child -

It can be challenging to get a balanced diet for children because they can be picky eaters. However, a child’s meals can be made more flavorful by including nutrients in a visually appealing presentation, like a multicolor vegetable fruit sandwich.
The physical, social, and developmental changes are rapid during childhood. Because the child is growing, he/she requires protein and essential fatty acids, that aid in brain development. As the kids enter adolescence, mothers must supplement their food with vital minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc that aid in overall development.

Nutrition for teens-

As children enter puberty (girls between the ages of ten and eleven and boys in their early teens), they demand nutrients, proteins, iron, and minerals. This age group requires nutrient-dense meals, including wholegrain bread and cereals, fruits, legumes, nuts, vegetables, seafood, and lean meats.
Parents must add milk, yogurt, and cheese (mainly low fat) to a youngster’s diet to increase calcium absorption- this is especially necessary for growing bones.
Adolescent girls must be encouraged to consume milk and milk products regularly.

Nutrition for the 20-40 Age Group

Adult nutrition highlights the significance of eating nutritious for a healthy body and keeping diseases at bay. 20-40 age groups have different nutritional intakes for males and females. Females planning a family need more iron, vitamins, and minerals on their plates.

Nutrition for the 40-60 Age Group -

The age of 40 is the perfect time to reach the correct balance. It’s a moment of transition, and nutritional needs shift as metabolism shifts. People in this age group must ensure that they retain good health by including strong phytonutrients and antioxidants in their diet, that improve digestion and strengthen immune systems.
This age group is at risk for osteoporosis, high blood pressure, mood swings, and heart disease due to hormonal changes. Iron-rich foods like nuts are excellent sources of healthy fatty acids like Omega 3, besides avocado, berries, and green leafy vegetables also help relieve the early onset symptoms. 

The Family Guide is a practical guide that aims to improve the feeding and nutrition of families in developing countries. It is primarily written for health workers, nutritionists, agricultural extensionists or other development workers who design nutrition education materials and activities and work with people at community level.
Eating an assortment of whole and fresh foods (i.e., fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains) will benefit your family health and help you lead a more active lifestyle. Fruits and vegetables give you an array of phytonutrients that are beneficial to your body, while whole grains help in digestion.
